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Better Code & Design

Better Experience

An experienced Full-Stack Developer with a solid background in Computer Software Technology Engineering,
my educational journey includes a Bachelor's Degree in the field. Additionally, I completed a Prestigious
year-long Software Development Programme with 'Code Your Future', mastering HTML, CSS, Tailwind,
bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Next Js, Node Js, Python, SQL and AWS.
Presently exploring permanent job opportunities to apply expertise and contribute to meaningful projects. Additionally, open to considering contracting roles that align with skill set and career aspirations.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Software Technology Engineering

Relevant Coursework:

  • C and C++ Programming
  • Database Management with SQL
  • Web Page Design with Dreamweaver (HTML, CSS)
  • Content Management Systems(CMS): Joomla and WordPress
  • Graphic lab
  • Network Engineering and Installation
  • Computer Simulation
  • Software Engineering Lab
  • Computer Graphics


What do I offer?

I build websites and apps that are user-friendly and enhance your brand. My goal is to make things look good and work smoothly.

Responsive Website Development

I make websites that look good and work well on any device - from phones to desktops

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User-Friendly Web Apps

I build web applications that are easy to use and understand

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E-commerce Setup

I help you sell things online and manage your online store.

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Database Setup and Management

I organize your data so your website or app runs smoothly.

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Website Maintenance

I take care of your website to keep it secure and working well.

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API Integration

I link your website to other tools for more features.

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Projects & Skills

Here are some projects I've worked on to demonstrate my skills.
I turn your requirements into a well-designed websites 😉


Read Me-Hire Me

Team Project

Introducing Read Me - Hire Me! This full-stack platform, using SQL, Node.js, CSS, and React.js, is designed to connect Codeyourfuture graduates with potential employers. Graduates can easily add their details via GitHub login.


Cyf Progress Tracker

Team Project

A full-stack project, which contains two parts. In the first part, the trainee should log in with their GitHub username to check their progress in the milestone levels. In the second part, the Product Manager is able to manage cohorts and add trainees.



Team Project

Thirteen individuals came together, This experience helped us understand the importance of teamwork and how valuable it is when we collaborate. It showed us that when we all work together, amazing things can happen.


The ILife

Personal Project

It's a full-stack eShop project, combined with another feature—a dynamic quote generator that updates with new quotes every 5 seconds using setInterval.



Group Project

blog website using React.js. Design React blog app using functional React components and React Router Dom.


Tv Show

Personal Project

A dynamic TV show project using vanilla JavaScript and DOM, making it simple for users to explore their favourite shows.


Have a Question?

Do you have an idea? Let's discuss it and see what we can do together.

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